
Service transfers

For VPS - service transfers are not allowed.

For dedicated servers service transfers are allowed with the following procedure:

1. The server must have been active for at least 3 months with the current owner.
2. All due invoices must be paid by the current server owner.

3. The current server owner must open a sales ticket and state that he wants to transfer his dedicated server to another account. He must tell us what is the email of the new server owner. This is a sales ticket, please do not expect immediate reply.
4. If the new server owner is an existing customer of ours with an active service and account in good standing - no further verification is needed.
5. If the new server owner (recipient) is not an existing customer, he must pass out verification first. To do so he must order this product - and pay it ($1 USD).
6. The verification fee of $1 USD will be either credited to the user's account if the verification is successful, or refunded if the verification fails. In order for the verification to be successful the recipient must first pass the standard maxmind fraud check + maxmind phone verification, then must pay the $1 amount with a verified account on his name with all details matching the details he has entered in our billing system. After that we manually review the order and perform additional checks to decide whether to accept it or not.
7. We will inform the old server owner whether the transfer can continue at this point (i.e. if the new candidate owner is verified / accepted).
8. The current server owner must confirm that he still wants to transfer the server.
9. The current server owner has all the responsibility to remove / delete any information from the server that he wants deleted. We will not clean / delete / reinstall the server before giving it to the new owner.

10. All relations (financial or other) between the new and old server owner must be cleared between them only, we will not play a middleman for them.
11. Once the server transfer is completed, the server cannot be transferred back to the original owner. Unless of course the whole transfer procedure is repeated.

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