If you wish to cancel your service, please go to the product details, scroll down to the bottom of the page and there is a "request cancellation" button that you should click. Cancelling the service this way also automatically cancels any outstanding invoices for this service.
Just abandoning the service and letting the invoices become overdue is not the right way to cancel your service!
Automatic Provisioning
There is NO automatic or instant provisioning. All orders are manually verified and manually...
KISS My Firewall
KISS My Firewall is a FREE iptables script developed by Steve Eschweiler and is released into the...
CSF xt_connlimit...FAILED
My CSF firewall says "xt_connlimit...FAILED" - please add xt_connlimit module.
Actually there is...
Arch Linux upgrading
UPDATE: due to lack of interest from our users, we have discontinued our Arch linux OpenVZ...